Gender Pay Reporting Summary Sheet 2023
Legislation requires business with over 250 employees to produce gender pay gap information. This data is submitted by the 4th April and relates to the data as a snap shot from 5th April in the previous year. As a recruitment business we are required to report data including the temporary staff that we provide to our clients, although we have little control over the pay and bonus rates of this group of people. This can include seasonal workers across different sectors we supply which drives a difference in labour demands at any one time. Within the recruitment sector we are governed by a range of legislation. The differences in pay are derived from the differences from the workers we supply to our clients. We are fully compliant in all the legislation set out before us and our clients are aware GEM Partnership is an equal opportunities employer. The data attached has been signed off by the Directors of GEM Partnership Ltd. The next report will be due on or before 4th April 2025.