Level 5 Operations Manager


A 24-month operational manager programme 


Programme Overview:

Operations managers perform leadership and management duties with teams and senior managers to ensure that teams fulfil their roles and meet organisational goals. They are essential to all business models that have an operational area or department with a workforce to lead, manage and support.

The broad purpose of this occupation is to provide leadership, with both operational and project responsibilities. An operations manager is responsible for managing individuals or a team, offering direction, instructions, and guidance to achieve set goals. They are crucial for the smooth functioning of all departments within an organisation and ensure that their functions are administered and maintained in accordance with legislation and the organisation’s policies and procedures. Operations managers provide clear and inclusive leadership and direction within their area of responsibility. This typically involves setting, managing, and monitoring the achievement of core objectives aligned with the organisation’s overall strategic goals. In smaller organisations, they are also likely to contribute to the execution and achievement of these strategic objectives.


What you will learn – Knowledge and understanding   

Project Scope & Planning

  • Understanding of project scope and planning to identify problems
  • Carry out research, analysis, interpret and evaluate date
  • Be able to problem solve and use relevant tools and techniques
  • Manage stakeholder relationships to agree goals

Project Implementation

  • Use of information technology and software tools
  • Understand financial and budget management
  • Understanding of Project Management, problem solving and decision making
  • Take ownership, responsibility, and work flexibly and collaboratively

Evaluations and recommendations

  • Be able to use presentation and communication skills and techniques
  • Evaluate the outcomes of organisational plans and projects to support decision making

Manging and Leading a Team

  • Understanding of team management and leading a team
  • Understanding of leadership & management theories and tools
  • Be able to provide continuous development and learning through coaching and mentoring, performance management and motivation.

Organisational Governance

  • Understanding of organisational governance, including legislation and regulations
  • Understanding of organisational policies, equity, diversity, inclusion and promoting wellbeing

Operational Planning

  • Understanding organisational activities, policies and procedures
  • Understanding business continuity, risk & contingency planning Implement sustainable practices and solutions and factors that impact operational plans

Stakeholder Relationships

  • Understand relationships, be able to manage relationships with multiple and diverse stakeholders.
  • Be able to treat them with respect and support an inclusive culture


How is the course assessed?  

Full time work-based learners will typically spend 24 months on-programme working towards the apprenticeship standard, with a minimum of 20% off this time being off-the-job training.  

Learners without English and Maths at a level 2 must achieve level 2 prior to taking their End Point Assessment (EPA).  

The end point assessment should only start once the employer is satisfied that the gateway requirements for EPA have been met and that the learner is consistently working at or above the level set out in the standard.  

Through the journey to the gateway with GEM Partnership you will complete a set of mini gateways ensuring that you are ready to take the EPA.  


On-programme assessment 

It is strongly recommended, but not required, that on programme assessment of knowledge, skills and behaviour outcomes en-route to the final synoptic end point assessment takes place.  

This could comprise of: 

  • Completion and achievement of a relevant Level 5 Diploma in Leadership & Management or equivalent management qualification and recognised by Ofqual, equating to at least 370 hours Total Qualification Time (37 credits). Where a qualification is not used, there should be provision of underpinning knowledge and training with regular assessments to an equivalent standard, quality and scope which can be evidenced
  • Work based project
  • Development of a portfolio of evidence
  • Regular Performance Reviews Regular performance reviews between apprentice and line manager


The End Point Assessment will test the entire standard, and be undertaken as follows: 

The purpose is to assess the apprentice’s competence against the following themes:

  • Managing and leading a team
  • Organisational governance
  • Operational planning
  • Stakeholder relationships

Written project report with presentation and questions, Professional Discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence, Continuing Professional Development Log reviewed and professional discussion.

The End Point Assessment requires apprentices to demonstrate they have achieved the standard. Performance in the EPA will determine the learner grade of fail, pass, or distinction.