Weekly Roundup – Week 2
The Resolution Foundation reports that official labour market data has ‘lost’ almost a million workers, and is over stating the scale of Britain’s economic inactivity. The Foundation’s analysis suggests that there could be 930,000 more people in employment than the latest official figures suggest, and that the current 16-64 employment rate could be around 76 per cent (as it was pre-pandemic), rather than its official rate of around 75 per cent… continue reading
GEM Partnership have been awarded Maintaining Excellence by the North East Better Health at Work scheme.
Following on from being awarded Continuing Excellence last year, the company and our Better Health at Work team set the goal to achieve Maintaining Excellence in for 2025 and following some fantastic work, initiatives and commitment business wide we are delighted to say we have been successful in achieving the standard… continue reading
An apprenticeship is a work-based training programme that leads to a nationally recognised qualification. An approved English apprenticeship usually comprises a practical period (lasting for a minimum of 12 months) and off-the-job training (constituting 20 per cent) and end-point assessment.
Apprenticeships are open to anyone over the age of 16 and apprentices are entitled to a minimum hourly wage rate. The training element is usually fully or partially government funded and an apprenticeship will be for a fixed term…. continue reading
The UK faces one of the largest regional skills gaps compared to most other European countries, with London significantly outpacing other areas in educational attainment, according to new research from the Learning and Work Institute.
The institute’s Worlds apart report reveals that two thirds of adults in London hold higher education qualifications, compared to just one third in Greater Lincolnshire…. continue reading